A map displaying arrest data for 2020 for NYC. Most dots are purple, highlighting the racial disparities.

Report: Defund the NYPD & FUND NYCHA: The Contours of Hyper-Policing in the Projects

Last summer, #DefundNYPD and “defund police” more generally became a rallying cry for activists - so loud that it became a seriouspolicy question that cities across the country had to reckon with during budget negotiations. And now it is a central question during our city elections this year. Through our…

Rent Strike 101: Seizing Your Legal Right to Withhold Your Rent

Tenants in New York State has a legal right to safe and habitable homes. It is called the Warranty of Habitability. When this right is violated by a landlord tenants have a legal right to withhold their rent. This means that if you have no hot water, no heat, rodent…

JFAC Exec Committee members Speaks with Bronxnet about The Blueprint

JFAC Excecutive Committee member Kristen Hackett speaks with Bronxnet about The Blueprint and what it means for public housing, and what the alternatives are – in an interview following the State Housing Committee hearing on December 8, 2020. Questions addressed in 12 min interview include: Who is the Justice For…


NYCHA has been moving at breakneck speed to privatize public housing. First with infill, then with RAD and PACT, and now with the Blueprint. This latest plan was announced in July, and already, hearings are planned on legislation that has been proposed by NYCHA, and NYCHA is closing its public…

The Impacts of Living in NYCHA | Report by Regional Plan Association

The people in New York City leading both the efforts to bring attention to the deteriorating conditions in our public housing, and the efforts to have them repaired, are their residents. It is important to recognize that government and civic organizations, as well as the New York City Housing Authority…

Public Housing and Public Health | Journal Article by Justin R. La Mort

News outlets were full of reports of New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) systemic failures at the end of 2017. When questioned whetherpeople who live in public housing deserve the same standard of living aspeople in private housing, Mayor Bill de Blasio explained “[p]eople in pub-lic housing deserve the very…

NY Pied-À-Terre Tax Proposed via Senate Bill S44A

A conversation revived. The economic shutdown triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an astonishing $14 billion budget deficit in New York, with projections of up to $30 billion by 2022, according to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. In efforts to minimize the cash flow crunch and increase capital…

Where’s the Money?: Military Spending vs Public Housing

While Trump has been attempting to slash funds for public housing, his budget proposals and our approved budget show a consistent influx of funds to the Dept of Defense. Today, under Trump, the United States is spending more on its military than at any point since World War II, with…

The Nefarious Nature of the Private Partners Selected for RAD Conversions

RAD is a program through which public housing buildings and units are transferred from Section 9 to Section 8, and private entities are brought in to management and repair the buildings. We looked into these private entities to learn a bit more about who the city was transferring control over…

Community Conversation and Teach-In

What are the City’s plans for public housing, what would they mean for tenants and how can we fight for more? This will be the topic of conversation for a series of teach-ins starting this week at Queensbridge. Next week we'll be at Ravenswood Houses on Wednesday, and we'll put…