JFAC Exec Committee members Speaks with Bronxnet about The Blueprint

JFAC Excecutive Committee member Kristen Hackett speaks with Bronxnet about The Blueprint and what it means for public housing, and what the alternatives are – in an interview following the State Housing Committee hearing on December 8, 2020. Questions addressed in 12 min interview include: Who is the Justice For…


NYCHA has been moving at breakneck speed to privatize public housing. First with infill, then with RAD and PACT, and now with the Blueprint. This latest plan was announced in July, and already, hearings are planned on legislation that has been proposed by NYCHA, and NYCHA is closing its public…


NYCommons.org helps New Yorkers impact decisions about public land and buildings in their neighborhoods. As they explain: Vibrant public spaces strengthen communities and improve the quality of life in neighborhoods. They provide opportunities for learning, health and recreation, as well as connecting with friends and neighbors. But all too often, publicly…

NYCHA’s NextGen Threatens More Harm than Hope | OpEd for City Limits

In December 2018, the second and seemingly final installment of NextGeneration NYCHA (NextGen) was announced. This version includes three mechanisms that the city claims will address the housing authority’s financial deficits, failing infrastructure, and deteriorating living conditions. These mechanisms invite private developers to build on NYCHA’s campuses, convert units to…