helps New Yorkers impact decisions about public land and buildings in their neighborhoods.
As they explain:
Vibrant public spaces strengthen communities and improve the quality of life in neighborhoods. They provide opportunities for learning, health and recreation, as well as connecting with friends and neighbors. But all too often, publicly owned spaces are sold or taken out of public control with very little meaningful public input. This website is part of a strategy for breaking this pattern and giving New York City residents a chance to have a say in the decisions that affect their communities.
We gravitated towards this resource because given that public housing is also public land, this project tracks what is going on with different public housing buildings across the city. To say it another way, this is a great resource for learning if your building of undergoing RAD or not, as well as to learn more about the buildings that are.
The project is a collaboration between Common Cause/NY, the Equitable Neighborhoods unit at TakeRoot Justice (formelry the Community Development Project at the Urban Justice Center), and 596 Acres, Inc.
Posted on: September 23, 2020