JFAC Exec Committee members Speaks with Bronxnet about The Blueprint

JFAC Excecutive Committee member Kristen Hackett speaks with Bronxnet about The Blueprint and what it means for public housing, and what the alternatives are – in an interview following the State Housing Committee hearing on December 8, 2020. Questions addressed in 12 min interview include: Who is the Justice For…


NYCHA has been moving at breakneck speed to privatize public housing. First with infill, then with RAD and PACT, and now with the Blueprint. This latest plan was announced in July, and already, hearings are planned on legislation that has been proposed by NYCHA, and NYCHA is closing its public…

The Nefarious Nature of the Private Partners Selected for RAD Conversions

RAD is a program through which public housing buildings and units are transferred from Section 9 to Section 8, and private entities are brought in to management and repair the buildings. We looked into these private entities to learn a bit more about who the city was transferring control over…

The Fox In The Henhouse: How Privatization Threatens Democracy | Democracy Now!

Privatization is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days, especially in the context of public housing, but what is privatization and why is it dangerous? Understanding privatization also helps us understand the broader nature of what is happening with public housing today, and what it could look…

The City’s Three NYCHA Plans That Will Privatize Public Housing | OpEd for East New York News

Today, public housing in our city, and in the country really, is at a crossroads. Buildings are dilapidated, unsafe and unhealthy to the tune of $40 billion, meanwhile disinvestment has also led to an operating budget deficit. The City has put forth three plans they say will solve these coinciding…

NYCHA’s Three Plans for Public Housing | Brief Overview

Since 2015, NYCHA and the City have announced three plans for public housing. They claim these will repair and modernize buildings for generations to come. We are not so sure. Below is an explanation of the plans - what do you think? Infill / NextGeneration NYCHA 2015 Leasing open space…

City’s Finance-Driven Approach to Managing NYCHA is Wrong for Tenants | OpEd for City Limits

On Tuesday, July 28th, the Chair and CEO of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Greg Russ introduced a new “preservation strategy” for the city’s public housing. As City Limits reporter Sadef Ali Kully outlined recently, this strategy involves creating a new public entity called The Public Preservation Trust.…

What is Rad?!

You’ve probably heard the word, and maybe you’ve heard a little about what this is, but what exactly is RAD, how does it fit into the City’s larger plan to “fix” public housing in NYC, what does it mean for tenants, and what can we do about it? At the…

NYCHA’s NextGen Threatens More Harm than Hope | OpEd for City Limits

In December 2018, the second and seemingly final installment of NextGeneration NYCHA (NextGen) was announced. This version includes three mechanisms that the city claims will address the housing authority’s financial deficits, failing infrastructure, and deteriorating living conditions. These mechanisms invite private developers to build on NYCHA’s campuses, convert units to…